A rough plan for students heading into sixth year

The new academic year is just around the corner. Students progressing into sixth year have their most intense school year ahead of them, and to many it can seem daunting. For those taking Italian or Spanish they have the added worry of the orals in April.

For a student in sixth year, classes begin in September with focus on getting the student out of their comfort zone and speaking their foreign language with spontaneity. I try to catch them off guard, and encourage tweaks in pronunciation when necessary. Every class begins and ends with focus on oral practice.

As the weeks go by and the fluency of the student increases, I subject them to numerous mock orals to familiarise them with the structure and pressure of the oral. My students know what to expect and are therefore well-prepared.

Learning to speak well improves confidence, and with confidence comes better grades. My students integrate their oral skills into their written production, and through my unique, hands-off style of teaching reading, the exam becomes much more manageable.

The listening exam is key too, and I use the old LC tapes to create dynamic lessons that challenge students, but also allow them to see the repetitive nature of the Leaving Cert and with these insights, they will know what they need to know for the exam.

My classes are tailored for students taking Italian and/or Spanish for the Leaving Cert in 2024. For more information contact me here.


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