Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue
Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue was written by the Sicilian Alessandro D’Avenia in 2010, and it features on the Italian syllabus for 2022 (prescribed text).
This text appears twice in the Leaving Cert. The first and recommended option is the reading comprehension. A page of the text is presented and 5 questions are asked, 4 of which need to be answered in Italian, and the final (and longest) question in English.
A second option is the essay. It can be tackled instead of the reading comprehension, and answered in English or Italian. Students will be asked to write an essay about a certain theme in the book, for example Leo’s relationship with his father, the role of Il Sognatore etc.
Be clear about which questions you’re going to answer before entering the exam. I offer classes and notes that focus on the prescribed texts for the Leaving Cert.